Where and how can I order parts for my Mako Kayak Impulse Drive?
Where and how can I order parts for my Mako Kayak Impulse Drive?
You can order many different parts for your Mako Kayak Impulse Drive. Please see attached Parts List (PDF) and links to online order page. You may also find the following overview video of the different parts and maintenance helpful.
Please view/download the PDF document link below on steps on how to assemble and set up your Impulse Drive for your Mako Kayak or Lost Creek Kayak. Important: when undoing the nuts before installing pedals, the left side is a REVERSE thread so need ...
We sell many replacement parts for our different brands of kayaks and boards. Please visit our online store here. Under Parts and Service menu you will find: Seats Seat Back & Covers Skeg / Rudder Mako Parts & Accessories Hatch Covers Deck Outfitting ...
We sell many replacement parts for our different brands of kayaks and boards. Please visit our online store here. Under Parts and Service menu you will find: Components Deck Outfitting Seats Seat Back & Covers Skeg / Rudder Mako Parts & Accessories ...
In this 9 min video we walk you through the steps of unpacking your Riot Mako 8.5 Air pedal drive fishing kayak for the first time and setting it up for use. Once you've done this a few times it will take you 5-10 min each time you want to assemble ...