What do I use for footrests in an older Riot whitewater kayak?
What do I use for footrests in an older Riot whitewater kayak?
These old style kayaks didn't come with installed footrests. Some of the newer models do now. Basically what came with it likely was a big chunk of foam to cut and mold to your liking to wedge your feet against.
You basically want your heels together, frog leg so that your knees and thighs are hugging the sides and top of the boat for control. The more contact your body has with the kayak the more you are going to be able to be control the kayak in moving water.
See link at bottom to view and download the Riot Whitewater Owner's Manual from 2008. Works fairly well for info on current (since we have not changed them much) and older model (discontinued) kayaks.
This step by step document (download document at bottom of page) will take you through the steps with image to replace the webbing and cam strap as necessary on a Riot Kayaks Whitewater Kayak. The foot pedal and front foam support will need to be ...
The thigh braces are here: https://boutiqueborealdesign.com/products/suregrip-wihtewater-thighbraces-includes-2-roto-thighbraces-2-neoprene-covers-hardware-4 For other Whitewater Kayak parts: ...
Hello The center scupper plug for the Impulse Drive area can be purchased for your Mako kayaks here: https://boutiqueborealdesign.com/products/foam-mako-center-hole hope this helps,
Riot stopped producing composite (fiberglass, graphite, kevlar) models before 2020. So these models are unfortunately no longer under warranty. We only make HDPE polyethylene plastic kayaks now and some ABS Thermoformed plastic. So for your repair of ...